The environmental program #gopafree is a new project which aims to recycle the cigarette butts all over Greece while also raising awareness and informing everyone regarding the environmental pollution dangers arising from these cigarette butts.
The implementation of the program in the field of tourism was made by the hotel Grand Hotel Palace, which thus became the first #gopafree hotel in Central Macedonia and throughout the country. The Grand Hotel Palace will receive certification from the Cigarette Cycle Organization for the number of cigarette butts collected and these will then be shipped abroad for recycling.
"The action in the field of Tourism starts from a hotel that already implements green policies in the operation and in the hospitality of its guests.
Our certification as Cigarette Waste Management Hotel confirms the gold awards the hotel has already received in the fields of ecology, technology and conference tourism.
We are happy that the effort starts from Thessaloniki and Northern Greece, a place that has recently shown multiple interest in participating in the program.
We congratulate the management of the Grand Hotel Palace for their initiative to join the program of our Organization and we hope that our cooperation will continue with initiatives for the protection of the Environment and Innovation ", said the Director of Cigaret Cycle, George Sakellariou.